
  • US Communists Must Take the Mask Off Maersk!

    The Palestinian Youth Movement has launched a campaign to push the Danish logistics company, Maersk, to divest from the genocide in Palestine. As a major shipping and logistics company, Maersk plays a key role in the international imperialist system and is an active accomplice in the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Maersk has a total global…

  • Venezuela and the Bourgeois Reformists of the 21st Century

    An unofficial 2023 translation of a document by Communist Workers Union (MLM) [Unión Obrera Comunista (mlm)] of Colombia, which focuses on the revisionist ruling party of Venezuela. This translation was reviewed and an editor’s note was added during the Venezuelan elections of 2024.

  • Learning from the Turkish Revolutionary Movement’s Support for the Kurdish National Struggle

    Recently an English translation of a Chinese article analyzing the Turkish communist movement and its current divisions was made available online. The distinctions between the various lines of Turkish communist and Maoist guerrilla organizations are hard for the general public to parse, even for Maoists. Here are a couple reflections on the article from the…

  • The 100 Flowers Collective joins the entire world revolutionary movement in celebrating the acquittal and release of the revolutionary Dr. G.N. Saibaba

    Saibaba has devoted his life to advancing the new democratic and socialist revolutionary movement in India. His work and resolve serve as an example to revolutionaries around the world. Saibaba worked tirelessly for the oppressed and downtrodden. Seeing these efforts as an existential threat, the Indian state tried to extinguish his flame. To move him…

  • Say No to RICO: Stop Cop City from the A to the Bay

    Editor’s Note: Plans to build massive new police training facilities are being developed in Atlanta GA, San Pablo CA and a rapidly increasing number of other US cities. There is a sustained protest movement in Atlanta aimed at stopping this project, which the state has used to further justify its effort to expand and militarize…

  • “Love Me, I’m a Liberal”

    Editor’s Note: Phil Ochs’ 1966 satirical song ‘Love Me I’m a Liberal’, sharply criticized the imperialist, racist, and anti-revolutionary views of contemporary liberals. As Phil Ochs said, “In every American community, you have varying shades of political opinion. One of the shadiest of these is the liberals. An outspoken group on many subjects. Ten degrees…

  • Reflections From a Visit to the West Bank

    Editor’s Note: The following submission is a personal account of one revolutionary’s visit to the West Bank in Occupied Palestine. Although the article mainly refers to the period before the present war on Gaza, it offers a valuable first-hand perspective of the Palestinian situation for revolutionaries in the US to consider as we continue to…

  • On “Guiding Thoughts” and the “Cult of Personality”

    Communist Workers Union (MLM) [Union Obrera Comunista-mlm], July 7 2009 Unofficial English Translation, 2023 Editor’s Note: The following is a translation of a 2009 article by Colombian comrades on the question of “Guiding Thoughts” and “Cults of Personality.” While the original article was written in response to the situation within the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM),…